These are things that you
might not of known about Third Victim :O
We suck (Bet you already
knew that)
We have snapped over 10 E
strings in a row (I lost count...to many)
We were originally named
We originally had 5
Our Mascot is David's
Mum's Mannequin that has a Mohawk
We currently have 4 Heads
We have snapped over 20
sized strings. Incl. a G String
It took us over 2 months
to think of a name (We are that stupid)
Our idea of having a band
was first thought of last August...didn't happen till 2nd Term holidays in
2002 (We are that slack)
We've had approximately 8
noise complaints
The noise control has been
Alex has never had guitar
Blitzkrieg Bop was our
first cover
Ass and Titties was our
first original
Chris runs our e-mail
system, so if you happen to get a reply from us, it would of been written by
We had two draft websites
before this one (David sucks at his job)
We have a technician and a
manager, both a volunteers so cheers guys :D
Our manager Mark was
supposed to be the guitarist, when we first originally came up with the idea
of having a band.
We all have msn
We all live in H.B.C. and
all attend Hoe-Rewa (Orewa) College
We're all single... (HINT
